Disclaimer of sorts

The things I write about on this blog may be less than pleasant. I do not wish to be held accountable for anything that is triggering or offensive to you and I am sorry if it is. If you are on this page then you have confirmed that you are 18 or older, if you are not I strongly recommend that you leave, please.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day one

Ok technically day two considering the time but thats besides the point. I have decided to do the ABC diet. What better day to start than the first of the month? Did well. Ate my 400 calories with ease, went for a run earlier today and walked all around town because my car is broken down and its the only way to get around in this Hell of a town. Oh well, I burned plenty of calories I'm sure. I know I'll be sore in the morning. I worked out like crazy this morning.

Hmm... I will be visiting that wonderful boyfriend of mine in about a month and a half.. I wonder how much I can lose by then. Hopefully enough to make me happy for the time being. Or at the very least, a manageable weight. I don't want to be all fat and self conscious when I see him and I think I have put on some weight these past few weeks. Apparently the scale I was using doesn't even work... I'm 115!!!! I'm a fucking cow.

It is changing though. I will not stand for this. I'm going to the store on monday to buy a few things, a new scale is at the top of my list. Diet soda, fruit and veggies will also be high on my list of course. I need to be at least 100 when I see him. I can lose 15 pounds in a month and a half, right? I mean, if need be I can add a few more fast days to my ABC diet and exercise a little more. Who knows. I'll get it figured out though. I'll go crazy otherwise. All I know is I need to get the fat off fast.


  1. Wow its funny how height can change the ideal weight my wish weight is 115. Good luck on the ABC its hard but you can do it.

  2. Yeah thats true, my ultimate is 98. I'm only 5'2" though so I don't think that is too bad.
