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The things I write about on this blog may be less than pleasant. I do not wish to be held accountable for anything that is triggering or offensive to you and I am sorry if it is. If you are on this page then you have confirmed that you are 18 or older, if you are not I strongly recommend that you leave, please.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Help me survive here

I can feel my self slipping even further. Reverting back to the failure that I am. My hips itching to feel the scissors' blade, to punish me for being so selfish, for hurting everyone around me and for being weak. I feel like my careful control is going to be lost if I don't cut and I can't have that. There is nothing I want more than to see the blood, to have the blade slide across my skin right now.

I can't have that though. I am trying so hard not to cut again. He hates it. He will begin to hate me for it. My body wont be beautiful if I have scars all over. I need to keep reminding myself of this.. repeat it over and over. I should sleep.. sleep is becoming my best friend. I have been finding it easier to sleep, sleeping pills tend to help. I love the deep dreamless sleep I get sometimes. I am so blissfully unaware, unfeeling. And being wrapped up in his arms make it that much more amazing.

But I am failing him. Every hour it feels as if the urge to cut gets stronger. I'm sinking, I can feel it. Any time now and I will break down completely and I will go straight for my hidden scissors. I won't know what else to do. Then I will go to him, ashamed and broken. He will try to clean up my mess again and I will see the pain in his face, the anger in his eyes. I will feel so ashamed of myself.. so terribly ashamed and he will try to comfort me as if I deserve it...
I don't want to do this to him again. I can't do this to him again.

1 comment:

  1. I know. I understand.

    I cannot offer much comfort, I know how impossible it is to reason against the demons sometimes...
    But keep fighting Mary, keep fighting. The answer does not lie at the end of a blade. It's just a relief not a cure.
    You are not failing. You are fighting.

    Sending you lots of love
    Ophelia xxx
